To most people, fake handbags are hard to spot, but there are certain easy signs which SCREAM out 'fake'. Not all of these are just contained in the listing. This quide will help you spot high end designer fakes i.e. bags with an RRP of a few hundred pounds. There are lots of guides that tell you specific things to spot for certain types of bags, but rather than pore over tiny details, this guide will help you quickly elimate the obvious fakes. I've seen almost perfact fakes being manufactured and some of the information contained in the majority of these detail by detail guides is purely circumstantial.1. PLASTIC PACKAGING99% of designer bags do not have any plastic packaging on the handles - instead they have canvas or fabric dust bags to keep them safe. If you spot plastic wrapping on a handbag, steer clear. This also applies to the bits 'n' bobs i.e. buckles being wrapped in tissue paper - this doesn't happen. 2. SELLERS OTHER ITEMS AND REPUTATIONCheck out what other items the seller is listing, and have a quick look at their feedback to see the kind of things they have sold. If for example they have a history of selling cheap or mid range textiles and items, and then suddenly theres an 800 louis vuitton bag, how realistic is this? Stay clear away. Most people who own designer handbags and want to get rid of them will usually have other high priced items for sale, or have a history of selling high priced items.However, if they have a too many of the same item i.e. 3 identical bags, they are almost definately fake as fashion houses restrict the amount of items for sale to prevent mass resale.3. ORIGINAL PACKAGINGMost sellers should have the original packaging - i keep EVERYTHING; the dust covers, the boxes, even the reciepts so that i can get repairs
done. This packaging is used to keep the bags in perfect condition when it's being stored in the shops, and
i can't think of anything better to store my beloved bags in. If they
don't have this, then i'd be suspicious.4. STUPID STARTING PRICEIf the price seems to good to be true, it always is. Although a lot of sellers list very low starting prices, a starting price of 15 or so, especially with no reserve, for a bag worth 650 is ridiculous. Don't bid!5. PHOTOSLots of sellers grab photos from websites. ALWAYS look for original photos of the item i.e. not shot in a studio. If they don't have them, ask for an email. When they email you the photos, cross reference these with other items on ebay. Lots of sellers use stolen photos to guarantee authenticity, and to hide poor quality fakes.6. DO YOUR HOMEWORKBother to check if the item actually exists. I've seen auctions for Louis Vuitton bags that don't exist. If in doubt, check out the website or search for the model name on the internet. If nothing comes up, it is a completely made up design. Also i've noticed colours of bags turning up that were never manufactured. ----------------------------
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